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Dr.Zaibin Lin: OpenFOAM高精度模型开发及其在近海和海洋工程中的应用

2023年04月04日 19:08 来源:水利与环境工程学院

报告承办单位: 水利与环境工程学院

报告内容: OpenFOAM高精度模型开发及其在近海和海洋工程中的应用 (High-fidelity model developments and applications in OpenFOAM for offshore and marine engineering)

报告人姓名: Dr. Zaibin Lin

报告人所在单位: School of Engineering, The University of Aberdeen, UK

报告人职称/职务及学术头衔: PhD,Lecturer

报告时间: 2023年4月6日10:30

报告地点: 云塘校区工科三号楼B319

报告人简介:At present, Dr. Zaibin Lin is a Lecturer in Mechanical/Civil Engineering at School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen (UoA), the UK, from August 2022. He received PhD in Engineering at UoA in 2017, the UK and then he was a postdoc in the same group. Afterwards, he moved to Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), working as a research associate in 2018. His research interests cover high-fidelity model developments and applications in OpenFOAM for offshore and marine engineering, particularly in the offshore renewable energy sector. He is a Member and International Hydrodynamics Committee of the International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE).

上一条:4月10日学术预告:杨虎涛 :底层逻辑与现实变革 下一条:中国科学院院士郭万林来欧博做学术报告
