

发布日期:2019年10月10日 来源: 作者:



授课内容:高等传热学(Advanced Heat Transfer


授课人姓名: Mousa Mohammadpourfard

授课人所在单位: University of Tabriz  大不里士大学

授课人职称/职务及学术头衔: 副教授\化学与石油工程系主任

授课时间: 20191013- 1017(1013 1400-1800 1015 800-12001016 1400-18001017 800-1200)

授课地点: 金盆岭校区四教四楼会议室


Mousa Mohammadpourfard received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Tabriz, Iran in 2009. Dr. Mohammadpourfard is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tabriz, Iran. In 2017, he served as Dean of Faculty of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering. From 2018 to now, he serves as Director of the Technology Affairs Management (TAM). He received Iranian Ministry of Science and Technology Scholarship from 2006 to 2009. In 2008, he received Short Term Researcher Scholarship of Max-Planck Institute (Düsseldorf, Germany). He has authored and co-authored more than 80 papers and graduated over 20 PhD and MSc students.

His research topics are:

-Computational Fluid Dynamics and its Applications in Heat and Mass Transfer of Multiphase Flows

-Lattice Boltzmann Method and its Applications in Micro & Nano Fluids and BioMEMS.

-Ferrohydrodynamics (FHD)

-Exergy and Thermo-Economics Analyses