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Zhanglong, Zhou Qinghua, Tang Shuai ,et al. High-definition multi-scale voice-driven facial animation: enhancing lip-sync clarity and image detail. The Visual Computer, 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00371-024-03667-x
Li Runyu, Zhou Qinghua. Research on an Improved Algorithm for Detecting Heartbeats Using Ultra-Wideband Radar. 5th International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (AINIT), 2024.
Xie Hanbin, Zhou Qinghua. Autonomous Traversing across Floors Based on Vision for Reconfigurable Tracked Robot. 8th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics, 2023.
Ying Zhenjun, Zhou Qinghua. CREPES2: A Dynamic Position and Pose Estimation System. 8th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics, 2023.
Zhou Qinghua, et al. Global occurrence of higher-bands ECH waves in radiation belts based on a novel noise reduction algorithm (NORA). Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101889, 2023.
Yong Xin Zhao, Qing Hua Zhou, Cylindrical label defect detection based on machine vision, Proc. SPIE 12916, Third International Conference on Signal Image Processing and Communication (ICSIPC 2023), 129161R, 2023.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., A machine-learning-based electron density (MLED) model in the inner magnetosphere. Earth Planet. Phys., 6(4), 350–358, 2022.
王巍、周庆华,基于改进 Faster RCNN 的算式检测与定位, 智能计算机与应用,2022.
吴彪、周庆华、曾小为,基于Mask-RCNN 的纸质医药包装钢印字符识别,计算机与现代化,2022.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Correlated Observation on Global Distributions of Magnetosonic Waves and Proton Rings in the Radiation Belts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028354, 2021.
Liu, Wanqing; Zhou, Qinghua; Zeng, Xiaowei, Deep Learning Based Heat Sealing Quality Inspection, 9th International Symposium on Next Generation Electronics (ISNE), 2021.
Zhou Qinghua, et al. Excitation of highly oblique lower band and upper band chorus by a loss cone feature and temperature anisotropy distribution. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46:1929-1936, 2019.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Generation of lower and upper bands of electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the Van Allen radiation belts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 5251–5258, 2017.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Evolution of chorus emissions into plasmaspheric hiss observed by Van Allen Probes,Journal of Geophysical Research - A: Space Physics, 121, 4518–4529, 2016.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Excitation of nightside magnetosonic waves observed by Van Allen Probes,Journal of Geophysical Research - A: Space Physics, 119(11), 9125-9133, 2014.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., A ray tracing study of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves associated with bi-ion frequencies. Plasma Sci. Technol., 16(6), 577-581, 2014.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Observation and modeling of magnetospheric cold electron heating by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6907–6914, 2013.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves under different geomagnetic activities: THEMIS observation and modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 340–349, 2013.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Instability and propagation of EMIC waves in the magnetosphere by a kappa distribution, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A06,203, 2012.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., A three-dimensional ray tracing study on whistler-mode chorus during geomagnetic activities, Plasma Sci. Technol., 13(4), 440–445, 2011.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Path-integrated gain of whistler-mode chorus in the magnetosphere by a kappa distribution, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 53, 065,003, 2011.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Propagation characteristics of whistler-mode chorus during geomagnetic activities, Chin. Phys. Lett., 27, 055,204, 2010.
Zhou Qinghua, et al., Whistler-Mode Waves Growth by a Generalized Relativistic Kappa-Type Distribution, Chin. Phys. Lett., 26, 025201, 2009.