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1.Lijun Cheng, Fang Cheng, "Effects of electric and magnetic fields on Goos-Hänchen shifts in semi-Dirac systems", Physica E 156,115844 (2024).
2.黄敏, 李占海, 程芳, 石墨烯/C3N范德瓦尔斯异质结的可调电子特性和界面接触, 物理学报(2023).
3.Zhanhai Li , Fang Cheng, " C3Al: A tunable bandgap semiconductor with high electron mobility and negative Poisson’s ratio", Physica E 138,115082(2022).
4.Zhanhai Li , Fang Cheng, " First-principles study on the mechanical and electromagnetic properties of porous two-dimensional C7N2 crystals", Physica E 132, 114758 (2021).
5. Zhanhai Li , Fang Cheng, "Structure and electronic properties of single-walled C3N nanotubes", Physica E 124, 114320 (2020).
6.Y. Huang, W. Lou, Fang Cheng, W. Yang, and Kai Chang, "THz emission by frequency down-conversion in topological insulator quantum dots", Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034003 (2019).
7.Wenxing Li and Fang Cheng*, "Anisotropy transport in monolayer black phosphorus under period magnetic modulation", Physica E 114, 113631(2019).
8.Xunwu Hu and Fang Cheng*, "Electron tunneling in Weyl semimetals with periodic magnetic barriers", Sci. Rep. 9:10947 (2019).
9.Xunwu Hu and Fang Cheng*, "The effect of negative differential resistance in black phosphorene nanoribbons with different passivated atoms", Physica E 110, 20-23 (2019).
10.Gufeng Fu and Fang Cheng*, "Anisotropic transport on monolayer and multilayer phosphorene in the presence of an electric field", Chin. Phys. Lett. 36, 057302 (2019).
11.Yi Ren, Fang Cheng*, Xiaoying Zhou, Kai Chang, Guanghui Zhou*, "Tunable mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer C3N nanoribbons by external fields", Carbon 143, 14-20 (2019).
Email: chengfang@csust.edu.cn 277165900@qq.com