姓名:李 毅 职称:副教授
学历:研究生 学位:博士
邮箱:liyi@csust.edu.cn 手机:13875879480

2005年9月-2007年6月 湖南大学 李达试验班 (拔尖人才训练基地班)
2007年9月-2009年6月 湖南大学 土木工程学院 建筑工程 学士学位
2009年9月-2014年12月 湖南大学 土木工程学院 结构工程 博士学位
2017年2月-2018年2月 英国University of Greenwich工程学院 博士后
5.国家自然科学基金,开洞超高层建筑洞口聚集风能机理和风力发电应用的理论与试验研究,批准号51508183, 2016.1~2018.12,主研 ,结题。
6.国家自然科学基金,大跨屋盖围护结构风荷载极值概率模型的优化与对比研究,批准号51508184, 2016.1~2018.12,主研,结题。
[1] Y Li, X L Liu, J T Yin, F B Chen, Y Han. Parameter study of tunned liquid damper (TLD) on wind-induced vibration control of high-rise buildings. Structures, 2024, 64, 106475.
[2] F B Chen, T Zhang, J R Yi, Z R Shu, Y Li*. Non-Gaussian characteristics and extreme wind pressure of long-span roof under various approaching flow turbulences. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76, 107266.
[3] Y Li, Y Zhu, F B Chen, Q S Li. Aerodynamic loads of tapered tall buildings: insights from wind tunnel test and CFD. Structures, 2023, 45, 105388.
[4] Y Li, J T Yin, F B Chen, Y G Li, Q S Li. Machine learning-based prediction of wind forces on CAARC standard tall buildings. Wind and Structures, 2023, 36(6), 355-366.
[5] F B Chen, W J Wang, Z Q Gu, Y Z Zhu, Yi L, Z R Shu. Investigation of hilly terrain wind characteristics considering the interference effect. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2023,241, 105543.
[6] Y Li, Q Song, C Li, X Huang, Y Zhang. Reduction of wind loads on rectangular tall buildings with different taper ratios. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 45, 105388.
[7] X P Shu, K Li, Y Li*. Experimental investigation on brazing residual stress distribution in 304L stainless steel core plate. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 193,107257.
[8] Y Li, X Huang, Y G Li, F B Chen, Q S Li. Machine learning based algorithms for wind pressure prediction of high-rise buildings. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022, 23(10):2070-2085.
[9] Y Li, C Li, Q S Li, Y G Li, F B Chen. Refined mathematical models for across-wind loads of rectangular tall buildings with aerodynamic modifications. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2021, 21(9), 2150131.
[10] Y Li, Q Song, Q S Li, D L Wang, X P Wu. Experimental investigation of wind loads on wind turbine blade under various turbulent flows. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2021, 24(16):3809-3824.
[11] X P Shu, H B Wang, Y Li*, B R Lu. Study on the bearing resistance of axially compressed L-shaped stainless steel core plate wall based on the stability loss. Engineering Structures, 2021, 249,113264.
[12] X P Shu, Y Su, Y Li*, B R Lu. Strength design of T-shaped wall with stainless steel core plate under axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 186,106891.
[13] Y G Li, J H Yan, Y Li*, C X Xiao, J X Ma. Wind tunnel study of wind effects on 90° helical and square tall buildings: a comparative study. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42,103086.
[14] Y Li, R B Duan, Q S Li, Y G Li, X Huang. Wind-resistant optimal design of tall buildings based on improved genetic algorithm. Structures, 2020, 27, 2182-2191.
[15] Y Li, C Li, Q S Li, Q Song, X Huang, Y G Li. Aerodynamic performance of CAARC standard tall building model by various corner chamfers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 202, 104197.
[16] Y Li, X Huang, K F Tee, Q S Li, X P Wu. Comparative study of onshore and offshore wind characteristics and wind energy potentials: a case study for southeast coastal region of China. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2020, 39, 100711.
[17] Y Li, R B Duan, Q S Li, Y G Li, C Li. Research on the characteristics of wind pressures on L-shaped tall buildings. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 23(10):2070-2085.
[18] Y G Li, M Y Zhang, Yi Li*, Q S Li, S J Liu. Experimental study on wind load characteristics of high-rise buildings with opening. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings , 2020, 29(9) , e1734.
[19] Y G Li, J H Yan, X Z Chen, Q S Li, Y Li. Investigation of surface pressure on CAARC tall building concerning effects of turbulence. Wind and Structures, 2020, 31(4):287-298.
[20] Y M Dai, Y J Yuan, S J Song, Y Li. Steady-state and Transient Wind Characteristics of Low-Rise Building Roofs with Openings in Vulnerable Areas. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 22(6):1488-1500.
[21] F B Chen, X L Wang, Y Zhao, Y B Li, Q S Li, P Xiang, Y Li*. Study of wind loads and wind speed amplifications on high-rise building with opening by numerical simulation and wind tunnel test. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 8850688.
[22] Y Li, Y G Li, Q S Li, K F Tee. Investigation of wind effect reduction on square high-rise buildings by corner modification. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22(6):1488-1500.
[23] Y Li, X P Wu, Q S Li, K F Tee. Assessment of Onshore wind energy potential under different geographical climate conditions in
. Energy, 2018, 152:498-511.
[24] Y Li, X Tian, K F Tee, Q S Li, Y G Li. Aerodynamic treatments for reduction of wind loads on high-rise buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018, 172:107-115.
[25] Y Li, Q S Li, F B Chen. Wind tunnel study of wind-induced torques on L-shaped tall buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2017, 167:41-50.
[26] Y Li, Q S Li. Wind-induced response based optimal design of irregular shaped tall buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2016, 155:197-207.
[27] Y Li, Q S Li. Across-wind dynamic loads on L-shaped tall buildings. Wind and Structures, 2016, 23:385-403.
[28] Y Li, J W Zhang, Q S Li. Experimental investigation of characteristics of torsional wind loads on rectangular tall buildings. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2014, 49(1):129-145.
(1) 指导本科生获国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目2项;
(2) 指导本科生获湖南省大学生结构设计竞赛一等奖1项;
(3) 指导研究生生获校级优秀硕士论文1次。
(1)Atmosphere 杂志(SCI收录,IF=3.110) 特刊“Wind Effects of Civil Structures: Identification, Control and Optimization” 的Guest Editor;
(2)Journal of Structure Engineering(ASCE)、Engineering Structures、Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics、Applied Energy、 Energy、Journal of Constructional Steel Research、 Wind and Structures、Structural Engineering and Mechanics等多个国际杂志的审稿人;