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欧博官网学术活动预告 无线通信频谱和辐射

发布时间: 2017-09-13 16:26:14 浏览量:


报告内容Wireless Communications Spectrum and Radiation(无线通信频谱和辐射)






报告人简介Kun Yang (杨鲲) obtained his PhD from the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering of University College London (UCL), UK, and his MSc and BSc degrees were both from Jilin University. He is currently a Chair Professor and the Head of Network Convergence Laboratory (NCL) in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. He is also an affiliated professor at UESTC, China. Before joining in the University of Essex at 2003, he worked at UCL on several EU research projects such as FAIN, MANTRIP, CONTEXT in the area of IP network management, active networks and context-aware services. Now his main research interests focus on heterogeneous wireless networks, future Internet architecture, data and energy integrated communication networks (DEIN) and mobile cloud computing, etc. He has published more than 100 journal papers and books, in addition to 100+ major conference papers. He manages research projects funded by EU FP7/H2020 (such as the EVANS, iCIRRUS projects), EPSRC (e.g., PANDA, PAL, DANCER), and industries such as British Telecom (e.g., MOSE). He serves on the editorial boards of both IEEE and non-IEEE journals (Wiley or Springer). He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Fellow of IET.

报告简介Mobile communications need wireless spectrum. According to the Information Theory, the higher the frequency is the higher the transmission data rate is. While people enjoy the high speed of modern mobile communication, they also worry about the negative impact high frequency radiations make on human body. Starting with a brief introduction of mobile communication and its frequency use particularly in 5G mobile communications, this Talk will present some basic knowledge of radiation, especially nuclear radiation, covering definition, origins, applications and risks of radiations. It concludes that wireless communication does not cause nuclear radiations. The Talk is easily understandable by students of any subject background.

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