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发布日期:2011年06月03日 来源: 作者:


529上午940国家杰出青年、芙蓉学者中国科学院长春应用化学研究所百人计划学者、欧博湖湘学者特聘教授、化学与生物工程学院院长曹学强教授在2011化学工程与先进材料国际学术会议(CEAM 2011大会上做了题为《Thermal Barrier Coatings of Rare Earth Materials Deposited by Electron Beam-Physical Vapor Deposition》的主题报告(Keynote Speech)。报告会在长沙市五华大酒店湘江厅举行,欧博官网副校长付宏渊教授、欧博官网科技处处长刘永乐教授、美国纽约州立大学(State University of New York at BinghamtonUSA)钟传建教授、澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook UniversityAustralia)何英和教授、中科院大连化学物理研究所孙立贤教授、湖南师范大学化学化工学院院长尹笃林教授、湖南大学化学化工学院向建南教授、欧博官网化学与生物工程学院常务副院长杨道武教授、欧博官网化学与生物工程学院副院长曹忠教授等出席了报告会,共有来自美国、英国、德国、日本、中国等15个国家和地区的500多名化工和材料方面的专家学者参加了报告会。





Thermal Barrier Coatings of Rare Earth Materials Deposited by Electron Beam-Physical Vapor Deposition


Xueqiang Cao1,2
1Key Lab of Rare Earth Chemistry & Physics, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Renmin Street 5625, Changchun 130022, China

2Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Materials Protection for Electric Power and Transportation, School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China

Email: xcao@ciac.jl.cn



Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have very important applications in gas turbines for higher thermal efficiency and protection of components at high temperature. TBCs of rare earth materials such as lanthanum zirconate (La2Zr2O7, LZ), lanthanum cerate (La2Ce2O7, LC), lanthanum cerium zirconate (La2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7, LZ7C3) were prepared by electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). The composition, crystal structure, cross-sectional morphology and cyclic oxidation behavior of these coatings were studied. A double ceramic layer-thermal barrier coatings (DCL-TBCs) of LZ7C3 and LC could also be deposited with a single LZ7C3 ingot by properly controlling the deposition energy. The failure of DCL-TBCs is a result of the sintering-induced of LZ7C3 coating and the chemical incompatibility of LC and TGO. Since no single material that has been studied so far satisfies all the requirements for high temperature applications, DCL-TBCs is an important development direction of TBCs.


Brief biography:

Prof. Dr. Xueqiang CAO.  In the period of 1988 to 1993, he studied in Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIAC-CAS) and got his first PhD on inorganic chemistry. From 1998 to 2002, he studied in Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH of Germany and got his second PhD on materials engineering. Since the May of 2002, he works as a full professor in CIAC-CAS. He is also a guest professor of Changsha Polytechnic University. In the last years, Prof. Xueqiang Cao has got several important scientific programs including Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China, “One Hundred Talent Scientists of CAS” and Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. In 2005, he got the award of “Top Ten Scientific Experts of Changchun.” 

The research of Prof. Xueqiang Cao is focused on the application of rare earths in the energetic materials including the thermal barrier coating materials and the solid oxide electrolytes.  One book and seventy scientific papers have been published, such as Thermal Barrier Coating Materials (Science Publishing House, 2006), Adv. Mater., J. Phys. Chem. B, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. and J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., etc.