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发布日期:2011年06月03日 来源: 作者:

529上午910澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook UniversityAustralia何英和教授应邀在欧博举办的2011化学工程与先进材料国际学术会议(CEAM 2011大会上做了题为《Production of Structured Monodisperse Microcapsules》的主题报告(Keynote Speech)。报告会在长沙市五华大酒店湘江厅举行,欧博官网副校长付宏渊教授、欧博官网科技处处长刘永乐教授、美国纽约州立大学(State University of New York at BinghamtonUSA)钟传建教授、中科院长春应用化学研究所/欧博官网化学与生物工程学院院长曹学强教授、中科院大连化学物理研究所孙立贤教授、湖南师范大学化学化工学院院长尹笃林教授、湖南大学化学化工学院向建南教授、欧博官网化学与生物工程学院常务副院长杨道武教授、欧博官网化学与生物工程学院副院长曹忠教授等出席了报告会,共有来自美国、英国、德国、日本、中国等15个国家和地区的500多名化工和材料方面的专家学者参加了报告会。

首先,由大会共同主席曹学强教授介绍了何教授的工作经历及研究成果情况。随后,何教授介绍了结构化单分散微胶囊的制备进展及其在包括制药、功能食品、化妆品和催化工程领域的广泛应用情况,其制备过程主要是使用Liquid Templating方法设计固体颗粒。何教授还回顾了相关领域的专家学者们研究的用于球形结构和自定义结构颗粒制作的各种微流体设备和聚流技术。最后,何教授和与会专家学者就如何控制颗粒尺寸、微流控技术等问题进行了深入的讨论,引起大家的浓厚兴趣。




Production of Structured Monodisperse Microcapsules

Yinghe He,

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences,

James Cook University, Townsville 4811, Australia

Emai: Yinghe.he@jcu.edu.au



Structured monodisperse microcapsules have application in a wide range of areas including pharmaceutical, functional foods, cosmetics and catalysis. This presentation provides an overview of the progress in the fabrication of monodisperse microcapsules. It focuses on the production of the designer solid particles using liquid templating approaches. In particular, it reviews the variety of microfluidic devices and the flow-focusing technology used for the fabrication of structured spherical and custom-shaped particles.


Brief biography:

Professor Yinghe He obtained his Bachelor and Master of Engineering degrees in Extractive Metallurgy from Central South University in China, and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from The University of Queensland in Australia.


After completing his PhD in 1993, Professor He worked at The University of Queensland and The University of Adelaide. He joined James Cook University in 2004, where he is currently the Head of School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, which offers degrees up to doctoral level in science and engineering.


In addition to his teaching, leadership and management duties, Professor He also has keen interests in both fundamental and applied research in a variety of engineering areas including interfacial phenomena, formation of bubbles and droplets, multiphase flow processes, production of designer particles, innovative cathode materials for lithium ion batteries and acid mist formation and control in an electrowinning tankhouse.


Professor He is a Fellow of Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE) and Charted Engineer (CEng).