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发布日期:2011年06月03日 来源: 作者:


529上午840美国纽约州立大学(State University of New York at BinghamtonUSA)钟传建教授应邀在欧博举办的2011化学工程与先进材料国际学术会议(CEAM 2011大会上做了题为《Nanoengineered Materials for Green Energy and Biomedical Applications》的主题报告(Keynote Speech)。报告会在长沙市五华大酒店湘江厅举行,欧博官网副校长付宏渊教授、欧博官网科技处处长刘永乐教授、澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook University Australia)何英和教授、中科院长春应用化学研究所/欧博官网化学与生物工程学院院长曹学强教授、中科院大连化学物理研究所孙立贤教授、湖南师范大学化学化工学院院长尹笃林教授、湖南大学化学化工学院向建南教授、欧博官网化学与生物工程学院常务副院长杨道武教授、欧博官网化学与生物工程学院副院长曹忠教授等出席了报告会,共有来自美国、英国、德国、日本、中国等15个国家和地区的500多名化工和材料方面的专家学者参加了报告会。





Nanoengineered Materials for Green Energy and Biomedical Applications


Chuanjian Zhong

Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA

Email: cjzhong@binghamton.edu



Nanoengineered materials have found increasing applications in green energy applications such as fuel cells, lithium–air batteries, and solar cells, and in biomedical applications such as medical diagnostics, disease detection, and drug delivery. A key challenge to these applications is the development of abilities to control the nanoscale structures for achieving the desired functional properties. This report will discuss some recent results of our investigations of sizes, shapes, compositions, and structures of metal and alloy nanoparticles and assemblies for fuel cell catalysis and biomolecular recognition.


Brief biography:

Dr. Chuan-Jian Zhong is a full Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton. After his graduate study at Xiamen University, he was first a Max Planck Society postdoctoral fellow at Fritz-Haber-Institute in Germany with Dr. Karl Doblhofer and Professor Gerhard Ertl (2007-Nobel Laureate), and then a postdoctoral scientist at University of Minnesota in USA with Professor L. Miller. Following his postdoctoral work, he was an associate scientist in US Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory at Iowa State University working with Professor Marc Porter for five years before joining the faculty of State University of New York in 1998.

He is a tenured full professor in Chemistry and Materials Science, and currently serves as associate director of the Institute for Materials Research. His research interests are in the interdisciplinary areas of analytical chemistry, materials science, catalysis, electrochemistry, and emerging fields of nanotechnology. Many of his research projects involve nanostructured materials for chemical/biomedical detection and green energy which have been supported by federal funding agencies such as National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and Department of Defense, by nonprofit funding agencies such as Petroleum Research Fund of American Chemical Society and World Gold Council, and by industrial funding agencies such as 3M, Honda and UTC Power.

He was recipients of a number of awards, including National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Award, SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, SUNY Innovation, Creation and Discovery Award, and 3M Faculty Research Award. He is a Guest Professor of Xiamen University and Hunan University. He serves in the Editorial Board of a new nanotechnology journal (Journal of Nanotechnology). He is founder of a nanotechnology start-up company in New York. He has authored over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 6 book chapters. He is an inventor of 10 US patents. He has given over 150 invited talks at international conferences, universities and industries.