科研情况: ◉ 主要研究方向: 1、分析化学、纳米孔道生物传感、电化学分析 2、新能源材料与器件、仿生离子选择性膜收集盐差能 3、物理化学、微纳流体离子输运特性 4、材料化学、(天然)高分子材料、仿生智能纳米薄膜材料 ◉ 近5年项目: 1、“**计划”湖南省高层次青年人才,纳米孔道生化传感与能量转化,执行时间:2023.10-2026.9;50万,主持。 2、国家自然科学基金青年项目(22204007),基于双纳米限域协同效应的雪茄形孔道传感平台构建及其对单个淀粉样蛋白动态精准检测研究,执行时间:2023.01-2025.12;30万,在研,主持。 3、欧博官网科研启动项目(6090201-000100302),仿生纳米孔道生物传感研究;执行时间:2022.10-2024.10;12万,在研,主持。 4、瑞士国家研究中心(NCCR)博士后基金,神经退行性疾病淀粉样蛋白的纳米孔单分子分析;执行时间:2020.01-2022.12;125万,结题,主持。 ◉ 近5年科研论文: 1.T. Ma, S. Tan, R. Yuan, X. Kang, P. Guo, Y. Tong, T. Zhao, Z. Xiao, Z. Cao, L. Li, S. Balme, Highly sensitive and low-cost detecting and recovering Ce3+ from ammonia nitrogen wastewater using bio-inspired nanochannel/membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 475, 146084 (一区,IF=15.1) 2.C. Ying*, T. Ma*, L. Xu, M. Rahmani, Localized Nanopore Fabrication via Controlled Breakdown. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12(14), 2384 (二区,IF=5.719) 3.T-J. Liu*, T. Ma*, C-Y. Lin, S. Balme, J. Hsu, Origin of Ultrahigh Rectification in Polyelectrolyte Bilayers Modified Conical Nanopores. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12, 49, 11858–11864. (一区, IF=6.888) 4.T. Ma, N. Arroyo, J-M. Janot, F. Picaud, S. Balme, Conformation of Poly(ethylene glycol) inside nanopore: simulation and experimental approaches. Nanomaterials. 2021, 11(1), 244. (二区,IF=5.719) 5.T. Ma, J-M. Janot, S. Balme, Track Etched Nanopore/Membrane: From Fundamental to Applications. Small Methods, 2020, 4, 9, 2000366. (一区, IF=15.367) 6.T. Ma, E. Balanzat, J-M. Janot, S. Balme, Dynamics of Long Hyaluronic Acid Chains through Conical Nanopore for Characterizing Enzyme Reactions in Confined Space. Nanoscale, 2020,12, 7231-7239. (一区, IF=8.307) 7.C-Y. Lin*, T. Ma*, Z. Siwy, S. Balme, J-P. Hsu, Tunable Current Rectification and Selectivity Demonstrated in Nanofluidic Diodes through Kinetic Functionalization. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11, 1, 60–66. (一区, IF=6.888) 8.T. Ma, E. Balanzat, J-M. Janot, S. Balme, Conical track-etched Nanopore for a free-label detection of OSCS contaminants in heparin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 137, 207-212. (一区,IF= 12.545) 9.T. Ma, E. Balanzat, J-M. Janot, S. Balme, Nanopore Functionalized By Highly Charged Hydrogels For Osmotic Energy Harvesting. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 13, 12578-12585. (一区, IF=10.383) 10.T. Ma, P. Gaigalas, M. Lepoitevin, I. Plikusiene, M. Bechelany, J-M. Janot, E. Balanzat, S. Balme, Impact of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers on the Ionic Current Rectification of Conical Nanopores. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (11), pp 3405–3412. (二区 top, IF=4.331) 11.T. Ma, M. Walko, M, Lepoitevin, E. Balanzat, J-M. Janot, A. Kocer, S. Balme, Combining Light‐Gated and pH‐Responsive Nanopore Based on PEG‐Spiropyran Functionalization. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2017, 5, 1701051. (二区, IF=6.389)